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Infant and Nursery School

'Blossom at Blossomfield'



Role of the Governing Body

The governing body is bound by a statutory responsibility, overseen by the DfE and is accountable to parents and the public for the way in which the school is directed and managed. 
The day to day running of the school is the responsibility of the Head teacher but the Governing Body is responsible for overseeing all aspects of school life. They are made up of the Head teacher, parents, staff, local authority and co-opted representatives. 
They meet termly but a major amount of business is carried out by the sub-committees. Governors serve on these sub-committees and non-confidential minutes of the most recent Governing Body meetings are available in school. 

They are the strategic leaders of our schools and have a vital role to play in making sure every child gets the best possible education. For maintained schools this is reflected in the law, which states that the purpose of maintained school governing bodies is to ‘conduct the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement at the school’. 
In all types of schools, governing bodies should have a strong focus on three core functions: 
To provide a strategic view – The governing body has important duties but limited time and resources. So it should focus on where it can add most value - that is in helping to decide the schools strategy for improvement so that the pupils are learning most effectively and achieve the highest standards. 

To act as a critical friend – Ensuring the governing body provides the head teacher and staff with support, advice and information, drawing on its members’ knowledge and experience thus acting as a critical friend to the school. 
To ensure accountability - Governors are not inspectors and it is not their role to assess the quality or method of teaching or extent of learning. They are also not school managers and should make sure they do not interfere in the day-to-day running of the school. Both are the role of the head teacher. However, the governing body is responsible for ensuring good quality education in the school. The head teacher and staff report to the governing body on the school’s performance. The governing body has the right to discuss, question and refine proposals – while always respecting the professional roles of the head teacher and other staff. In turn, the governing body answers for its actions to parents and the wider local community for the school’s overall performance.


Types of Governors

  • Local Authority Governors - Local Authorities are encouraged to appoint high calibre Governors to schools.
  • Co-opted Governors - are appointed by the Governing Body to represent community interests. They can be people who either live or work locally, or those who are committed to good governance and the success of the school.
  • Staff Governors - The Head Teacher is a staff governor by virtue of their office, but can decline to take the position if they wish. Other staff, both teaching and support, may become Governors as long as they are paid members of staff. Staff Governors are elected by the school staff.
  • Parent Governors - these are parents/carers of pupils, they are eligible to stand for election and are elected by the rest of the Parent Body. If insufficient parents stand for election the Governing Body may appoint parents.
  • Associate Governors - these must be appointed by the Governing Body as members of committees, and may include school staff, or anyone that the Governing Body feel could contribute to their work.
  • Clerk to the Governing Body - the Clerks role is to make sure the Governing Body is organised e.g. agendas and minutes. Clerks are appointed by the Governing Body.




Deborah Yardley 
Clerk to the Governing Body


School Values

Below are our core values.







