The programmes of study that we follow are:
Foundation Stage: Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) statutory framework. (Understanding the World)
Key Stage 1: National Curriculum 2014
Subject Leader – Miss Collins
At Blossomfield Infant and Nursery School Science lessons stimulate and excite our children’s curiosity about phenomena and events in the world around them. Through practical activities, they develop skills of investigation-including observing, measuring, predicting, questioning, interpreting and explaining. They are encouraged to question things they observe, and experience and explore the world around them with all their senses. Many areas of our Science Curriculum link closely with our Eco work and our children develop a respect for the environment and living things and for their own health and safety.
“The Important thing is to not stop questioning.”
~Albert Einstein
Science at Blossomfield …
- Helps our children acquire a growing understanding of the nature, processes and methods of scientific ideas.
- Help develop and extend our children’s scientific concept of their world.
- Build on our children’s natural curiosity and developing a scientific approach to problems.
- Encouraging open-mindedness, self-assessment, perseverance and developing the skills of investigation – including: observing, measuring, predicting, hypothesising, experimenting, communicating, interpreting, explaining and evaluating.
- Develop the use of scientific language, recording and techniques.
- Make links between science and other subjects.
- Enables the children to develop high aspirations, which will see them through to further study, work and a successful adult life.
Children’s skills are developed to:
- Ask and answer their own questions about different scientific issues
- Choose suitable equipment they need to carry out a test
- Decide the best way of recording their results
- Analyse the data, giving reasons for their results
TERM | | | | |
autumn 1 | Who Am I? - Changing seasons- walking in Autumn!
- Interesting things- artefacts. Talk bench.
- Cooking linked to British Food week- soup making!
- Oliver’s Milkshake- change of state (fruit in the blender!)
| Me and My world - Similarities and differences between each other and between families.
- Environment- own and others.
- Observations of animals and plants in relation to Autumn.
| Caves or Waves (plant topic) - Labelling plants
- Investigation into planting seeds
- Observations of tree in school grounds- seasonal changes.
Weather | Habitats - Identify how plants and animals are suited to their habitat.
- Identify a range of habitats
- Describe a woodland habitat and its microhabitats.
autumn 2 | How do we celebrate? - Finding out area!
- Textures of artefacts.
- Magnetic or not? Exploration sound/ light and dark linked to celebrations! Shadow puppets for Diwali.
| You are my Hero - Light and dark – linked to Bonfire and Diwali – shadows and use of torches.
- Scientific jobs linked to People Who Help us.
| What’s in a Gift - Weather linked to the seasons and the changes in the length of days.
- Forest School: linked to The Animal Kingdom, Plants and Weather.
| Living Things - Explore and compare the differences between things that are living, dead, and things that have never been alive
- Identify and name a variety of plants and animals in their habitats, including microhabitats
- Food chains
Habitat topic covered each term looking at our school grounds and the seasonal changes. |
spring 1 | That’s Incredible! - Habitats of incredible creatures
- Animals we know and compare to dinosaurs
- Cooking (dinosaur fossil biscuits)
| Once Upon a Time - Understanding changing seasons.
- Pancake day
- Cooking – observing changes of state.
- Watch appropriate current affairs.
| Super Structures - Materials
- Investigation into appropriate materials for a building.
Weather | Famous Faces - Generating scientific adjectives to describe the properties and possible uses of materials.
- Science experiment – waterproof materials linked to Stratford coat for school trip!
ECO - Plastic and the environment.
spring 2 | Around the World in 30 Days - Climate change
- Around the world
- Endangered species.
- Brueton Park visit.
ECO | How does your garden grow? - Understanding changing seasons.
- Investigating where food comes from
- Growing vegetables – making observations of plants and talk about changes
- Where does food come from – link to British fruit and vegetables
| To infinity and beyond - Spacesuit materials-what is best and why?
- Day and night
Each term: - Observations of tree in school grounds- seasonal changes.
| Rainforest - Find out about and describe the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival (water, food and air)
- Describe the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amounts of different types of food, and hygiene.
Habitat topic covered each term looking at our school grounds and the seasonal changes. |
summer 1 | All aboard! - Making boats
- Transport/ journeys looking at road safety.
- Car racing experiments!
Slow/ fast/ quickest! | All things wild! - Understanding changing seasons.
- Mini beast hotel- back of school
- Caterpillars in class
- Outdoor curriculum – mini beast hunts, habitats
- RSPB – Mini beast Safari (visitor)
- Investigation station - magnifying glasses, animal lifecycles.
- Trip to Twycross Zoo
| Curious Creatures - Animals linked to local area.
- Name the main classes that scientists use to sort animals.
- What makes an animal an animal?
Weather | Blooming at Blossomfield! - Observe and describe how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants
- Investigation set by the children to find out and describe how plants need water, light and a suitable temperature to grow and stay healthy.
summer 2 | Splish Splash Splosh! - Floating and sinking
- Animals that live in water
- Where does water come from – link to seasons and weather.
| Commotion in the Ocean - Exploring floating and sinking
- Making observations about sea animals
- Discuss similarities and difference in relation to ocean and sea animals
ECO - Sea pollution
- Recycling – Why is it important?
| What’s around Us? - Animals in local area
- to understand why lengths of day’s change
- Which season do you predict will have the most hours of sunlight and why?
- Observations of tree in school grounds- seasonal changes.
| Healthy - Describe the importance for humans of hygiene
- Identify and describe what plants need to stay healthy
Habitat topic covered each term looking at our school grounds and the seasonal changes. |