Minutes of FGB Meeting - 13 March 2019 FINAL
Page 1 of 9 Chair’s Initials _____________
Minutes of the Statutory Meeting of The Board Of Governors at Blossomfield Infant & Nursery School on Wednesday 13 March 2019
Present: Mrs L Bosley (Chair of Governing Body) (LB), Mrs B Farkas (Headteacher) (BF), Mrs S Church (SC), Mrs D Rothwell (DR), Mrs Michelle Wilson (MW), Mrs Olivia Chapman (OC), Ms Sophie Garraty (SG), Councillor Annette Mackenzie (AM), Mr Stuart Hughes (SH)
Apologies: Mr J Shaw (JS)
Absent without
In Attendance: Mrs P Atkinson (Business Manager) (PA), Mrs K Morrison (KM) (Deputy Headteacher), Ms Deborah Yardley (Clerk to The Governing Body) (DY)
The meeting opened at 6.15pm and was quorate throughout (minimum 7 governors) Agenda Item |
Supporting Documents |
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Minute Item |
Outcomes |
5.2 |
The minutes of the meeting including the Confidential Minute held on 21 November 2018 were approved and signed by the Chair as a true and accurate record of the meeting. Minute ref: BFGB130319.1 |
5.4 |
AM was elected as Vice Chair for a 2-year term of office. |
Minute ref: BFGBM130319.2 |
5.5 |
AM to find out what actions SMBC were taking on idling engines outside schools. Minute ref: BFGBM130319.3 |
5.6 |
Governors ratified the recommendation from the Resources Committee to withdraw from the Site Manager relief package. Minute ref: BFGBM130319.4 The SFVS was signed by the Chair of Governors for submission to SMBC. Minute ref: BFGBM130319.5 |
5.8 |
The Clerk to update GovernorHub and arrange for the governor details on the school website to be amended to reflect the linked governor and Committees. Minute ref: BFGBM130319.6 Governors were asked to make contact with their subject leader. This could be by phone, email or arrange to meet for a visit. Minute ref: BFGBM130319.7 The following governor training was agreed for the Summer term: - Chair – Chair’s briefing session Clerk – 21 May Clerks briefing session OC - 5 June – Equality (the Loft) Chair – 13 June PP governance at civic suite – Chair AM - 27 June effective committee chair Governors to book themselves on the above courses via Governor Hub. SG was enrolled on new governor training in May. Minute ref: BFGBM130319.8 |
5.9 |
The following policies were all adopted by governors. Charging Policy SEN Policy Nursery Admissions Minute ref: BFGBM130319.9 Governors approved the Childcare fees and letting fees effective from September 2019. Minute ref: BFGBM130319.10 |
5.10 |
The next SGA meeting is 24 June. Governors to book directly with Linda McKay or advise the Chair if they would like to attend. Minute ref: BFGBM130319.11 |
5.1 |
Welcome and Apologies for Absence The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. JS had advised he would not be able to attend and his apologies were accepted. |
5.1.1 |
Declaration of Pecuniary Interests There were no changes to any declared interests or new declared interests. |
5.2 |
Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on 21 November 2018 The minutes of the meeting held on 11 November 2018 and the Confidential Minute were approved by governors as a true and accurate record of the meeting and were signed by the Chair. |
5.3 |
Matters Arising from the Minutes There were no matters arising. |
5.4 |
Election of Vice Chair of Governing Body The election of Vice Chair had been held over to the Spring Term. Two applications had been received from AM and SG. Both candidates had prepared written statements which had been uploaded to GovernorHub in advance of the meeting. Both candidates left the room whilst governors voted by secret ballot Both candidates returned to the room where it was confirmed that AM had been elected as Vice Chair for a 2-year term of office. The Chair thanked both candidates for their interest. |
5.5 |
Headteacher’s Report The comprehensive report had been circulated with the agenda. The Headteacher believed that the new Ofsted framework has been very positive particularly for those children with additional needs. Such families were invited into school to discuss their children’s needs and how best to support children. Blossomfield was always looking at creative ways of generating income. 5.5.1 School Organisation Governors noted the following points: - There had been 2 exclusions in Autumn term for persistent disruptive behaviour. Staff sickness was noted |
5.5.2 Sites and Buildings SMBC had carried out an asset management audit at the school and issued a report which was noted. Governors noted the significant amount of £220k for replacement pipes relating to the heating system cost of £220k and new roofs with a cost of £218k was noted. It was suggested that given the Education Skills and Funding agency was charged with surveying the condition of buildings of schools in UK that potentially there would be money set aside for schools who need building improvements. The sites and buildings development plan was noted. This was discussed with Business Manager and Site Manager and RAG rated. 5.5.3 Personnel and Staff Development School was fully staffed and future changes noted. A Year 2 teacher would be leaving the school to work in special provision and would be replaced by Mrs Crouch who would cover Ash class for the summer term. 2 TAs had or would retire. Recruitment was underway for TAs in school. The Childcare manager had commenced maternity leave and given birth to a baby girl last week. The Deputy manager had stepped up to become Manager for the duration of the maternity leave. 5.5.4 Safeguarding Governors received an update on safeguarding. The Chair and Headteacher had reviewed the SCR. Critical incidents and bullying log had been signed off. There had been a fire safety audit. A parent governor congratulated the school on how well the lockdown drill had been managed. A H&S audit had been carried out by SMBC on 5 February. The school had improved since the last audit in 2014. 5.5.5 Blossomfield Childcare The report from Blossomfield Childcare was noted. This had been presented to Teaching & Learning Committee. 5.5.6 Curriculum The very comprehensive curriculum reports were noted. A governor commended the presentation of the reports. It was noted how much the children had enjoyed the Shakespeare theme. Year 2 had had the opportunity to visit the RSC and KM said how much the children had benefitted. The governors were very grateful to the parent who had attended school to talk about the Quran. In English children had been encouraged to talk about their favourite authors and books they had read and why they chose the book. Science and ECO – there would be a pollution day in June 2019 focusing on idling engines. This week has been Science week. 12 science boxes had been created for classes to choose and children had been enthused. The Foundation stage had enjoyed using the space resources. This resource could be re-used. The winner of the science project would attend Wolverhampton University. |
Computing – parents had been invited to attend online safety workshop and 30 had attended. This represented an increase in the numbers of parents who wanted to learn more about staying safe online. A Synergy art exhibition at the Core courtyard gallery was planned for the summer. 5.5.7 Community and Events Fundraising activities were noted. Parking outside of Solihull schools continues to be an issue. SMBC was looking to extend the school streets scheme. A governor pointed out that Lawnswood Avenue was a bus route and therefore would not be eligible for the SMBC school streets scheme. The governor felt parking had improved. A governor asked whether the council were looking at idling engines. AM agreed to find out. 5.5.8 National and Local Updates A governor asked whether parents would be invited in for a presentation on sex and relationships education. The Headteacher said they would not because the relationship lessons were appropriate for infant schools via the Jigsaw programme. Children were taught correct names for bodily parts via the science curriculum. PSHE attending course. At Parent Partnership the books which were used had been shared books. Website information available to parents relating to the PANTS lesson. The school had now taken over nursery admissions. Letters to parents would be sent once the Admissions policy had been approved. A governor asked for reasons for the change relating to Admissions. The Headteacher advised that SMBC were looking to reduce costs. There was no additional money for schools to administer this. The school’s systems were well advanced unlike some other schools. Documents would be uploaded to the school website once approved – admissions after the term after their third birthday. Not all parents were eligible for 30 hours free childcare. The Headteacher outlined how the nursery would adapt their practice to enable them to meet demand from parents. A governor asked whether there was any influence the Headteacher could provide to grow children from nursery. The Headteacher said there was no ability to influence nursery children moving to reception and there would need to be a change in the law. The school had 90 reception places which meant there was a bigger risk of being an overspill school. The autumn term had seen a lot of movement with children leaving the Reception class. Admissions at SMBC were not always timely at getting children into school prior to census day. 1 reception class had had 8 new children since September 2018. The Chair thanked the Headteacher for CPD report which reflected the significant amount of training which had taken place. 5.5.9 Child Protection / SEN KM provided governors with an update. The report had been provided to governors ahead of the meeting. One of school priorities was to ensure that children were junior ready. 32 children supported at school by SEN but fluctuations as children |
moved off and on the SEN register. There were high numbers of children waiting to be seen by the specialist assessment service. The Chair in her capacity as safeguarding governor had met with KM yesterday. The family mentor had been a real asset to the school and was highly valued by parents and staff. The Headteacher noted that the role had evolved and paid tribute to governors foresight in arranging counselling training. 5.5.10 GDPR Update WCC audit compliance and summary noted. Green for info security and risk management, training and staff awareness, amber for governance and policy (SMBC link), 2 reds for data sharing (SMBC systems e.g. SIMS, ParentPay, Cool Milk) and subject access requests which needs to be an SMBC policy. The Headteacher advised that should any SARs be received; the school would contact SMBC for guidance if this was received. |
5.6 |
Resources Committee Report The draft minutes of the Resources Committee held on 27 February 2019 had been circulated to governors and were duly noted. MW had been elected as Chair of Resources at the last meeting. The Business Manager updated governors on the proposal to withdraw from the Site Manager relief package from April 2019. This had not been accessed in recent years and Resources Committee had agreed alternative options existed. Governors ratified the recommendation from the Resources Committee to withdraw from the Site Manager relief package. School budget share – there had been an 0.7% increase on the previous year but this did not keep pace with increases in salaries, pensions and the cost of utilities. Teachers pension contributions would increase which would be fully funded for one year by the DfE grant. Out turn statement as at January 2019 – School and Childcare The Business Manager updated that the Resources Committee had reviewed the outturn statements. Overall at this point in time £3k would be taken from reserves but this could change and reduce. Staffing was 86% of school budget. The early base budget had been reviewed by Resources Committee. This would be completed for review and budget approval on 15 May. The Business Manager would meet with Resources Chair in advance of the 15 May meeting. Approval of SFVS The draft document was noted by governors who had no comments. The SFVS was signed by the Chair of Governors for submission to SMBC. |
5.7 |
Teaching & Learning Committee The minutes of the meeting held on 6 February 2019 had been sent to governors with the agenda. Governors had no comments on the minutes of the meeting. |
5.8 |
Governance 5.8.1 Allocation of Linked Governors The following governors were agreed: - Resources Committee MW - Chair SH HT SG JS AM Chair of Governors Teaching and Learning Committee AM – Chair HT SC DR Chair of Governors OC Chair of Governors - Safeguarding, SEND and PP, HT performance management, music, Clerk to Governors liaising, LAC Headteacher – Parent Partnership, sites and buildings SC – Parent Partnership AM – Humanities, RE and PSHE SH – Eco, Science and H&S JS – Computing, website, GovernorHub MW – KS1 and Maths SG – EYFS, PE OC – English, EAL, D&T including Art The Clerk would update GovernorHub and arrange for the governor details on the school website to be amended. Governors were asked to make contact with their subject leader. This could be by phone, email or arrange to meet for a visit. At the end of the year governors would provide a report which would be included on the SDP. 5.8.2 Governor Training – Summer Term The changes to the governor training were noted. The school would be charged £25 for no shows. Governors could book on as much training as they like. It was agreed to book training termly to ensure that a strategic approach was taken. |
The following governor training was agreed for the Summer Term: - Chair – Chair’s briefing session Clerk – 21 May Clerks briefing session OC - 5 June – Equality (the Loft) Chair – 13 June PP governance at civic suite – Chair AM - 27 June effective committee chair SG was enrolled on new governor training in May. Governor Services looking to hold more evening meetings in the north of Solihull. Governors to book themselves on the above courses via Governor Hub. Governors were reminded that they should send apologies if they were unable to attend. 5.8.3 Governor Training records for Autumn Term Some of the training records were inaccurate. OC and SG would advise the Clerk of errors. 5.8.4 Governor Competencies and Skills – results of NGA questionnaire 7 responses had been received. It was noted that some schools were recruiting governors using WM Jobs and Facebook. Governors had a discussion regarding the skill gaps which existed. It was agreed that the Clerk would ascertain if governors were accountable for advice they provided. 5.8.5 GovernorHub A comprehensive guide for governors and Clerks about how to make the most of GovernorHub had been provided to new governors on their training course. |
5.9 |
Adoption of Policies The following policies were adopted by governors: - The Charging Policy was approved SEND Policy – with two changes (1 typo and change on p4) It was agreed to amend to state SEN/D. Inclusion Leader not SENCo. This was accepted with proposed changes. Nursery Admissions Policy A governor asked whether other schools were taking children from their 3rd birthday. The Headteacher said the particular offer varied depending on the school. The letting fees had been agreed by Resources Committee with no changes proposed. This was ratified by governors. Governors also ratified the childcare fees – from September 2019 increase by 5%. The Headteacher confirmed that they had been benchmarked |
with local providers and were in the bottom quartile and covered rising costs. |
5.10 |
Chair’s Action The report had been circulated to governors with the agenda and was duly noted. Governors were encouraged to attend the SGA (Solihull Governors Association) events. This was an excellent networking opportunity. All governors are members and entitled to attend. The next SGA meeting is 24 June. Governors to book directly with Linda McKay or advise the Chair if they would like to attend. |
5.11 |
Agree Confidential Items It was agreed that were no confidential items. |
5.12 |
Date of Spring Statutory Meeting – Budget Approval Wednesday 15th May 2019 at 6pm to approve the budget. Wednesday 3 July 2019 at 6pm – next statutory meeting |
5.13 |
Termination of Meeting The meeting closed at 8.25pm. |